Monday, December 23, 2013

Yoga Poses Weight Loss

As an ancient way of making the body healthy, fit, and away from any diseases, yoga plays a very important role here. Yoga poses weight loss is really an effective method of cutting weight and making the body healthy as well as mind. So, there are different poses in order for you to lose weight, as a matter of fact you can also try this without the aid of yoga professional or master. Here are they:

1.    The wind releasing yoga pose. Such kind of pose is one of the most effective ways of fat reduction on the abdomen part. The first step is to lay down flat on the floor and then fetch your knees on your chest. Hold your ankles to successfully this position. The nest thing to do is to hold both arms together on your legs. Either way, you can also embrace both of your knees together, and then try to sit up on the floor through that position. Lastly, make a deep breath and relax.

2.    Boat pose. The benefit of this pose is that you can successfully burn fats in the abdomen part.  To do this, sit down on the floor and keep your feet as well as your knees closer to your chest. Now after such position is done, try to get both feet on a straight position but keep your legs as well as body on a vertical position. Lastly, don’t forget to stretch both of your hands.

3.    Cobra pose. The benefit of this pose is that is effectively losing fats on the abdomen and buttocks. First step is to lie down but your face down. The hands must be under the shoulders and put strength on both hands and push them slowly on the floor. Right after that, try to get your head up but make sure that that abdomen is still touching the floor. Do not force yourself too much but instead relax and slowly do the exercise repeatedly.

4.    Warrior pose. Such yoga pose is best for thighs, arms, and abs. This is also best for losing weight. The first position is to stand straight. Second is to keep the left leg right about 45 degree, then bend the right leg right about 90 degree. Your hands must be up with the body straight.

So, those four yoga poses are best to lose weight and can keep our body healthy. For those who are asking how does yoga works on our body? Well, it stimulates the liver system and helps purify the blood. The second health benefits of yoga is it helps in the balancing of pH in or body. Third health benefit of yoga, it helps increase the internal heat. If the body functions well, most probably there would be no bad fats on the body. You can also find many different yoga poses weight loss in the internet and you can do those poses even alone just as long as you know how to follow instructions carefully.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Types of Yoga for Beginners

If you are looking for a way to get fit and toned yet you do not want anything that will cause you undue stress, why not try yoga? It is a form of exercise that has been around for thousands of years and will really change the way you look at your body and the way you think about yourself. yoga is a form of exercise that will also work your mind and soul along with your body so you get a holistic form of exercise that will bring you benefits no other exercise can bring.

A lot of you may balk at the thought of being told to try yoga since you think that you are just too big or too ungainly to try those crazy yoga poses but that is where you are wrong. Yoga is not about doing crazy poses and twisting yourself into a pretzel. It is about testing your body and slowly pushing it to do more and be more. It is testing your will and using your mind to help your body achieve new heights. It is amazing what yoga can do and if you think you would like to try this holistic and low-impact exercise below are some types of yoga for beginners. Some types of yoga will stretch your muscles for greater flexibility while others will strengthen your body and others focus on the core. There are even some that will make you sweat for a complete detox experience like no other.

You can try them on your own or you can always go to your nearest studio and ask the yogi in charge what is best for someone that has never tried yoga before. You will love what he or she has to say so go on and give it a try.

Bikram yoga- this is also called hot yoga and what happens here is you do yoga in a hot room where you will be tasked to go through a set of poses and a specified number of breaths. You will be doing yoga in a hot room so expect to sweat profusely in the heat. However, the heat will also make your muscles suppler so this could be good for beginners. Ask your yogi about beginner Bikram yoga classes.

this is one of the more popular types of yoga where every pose is done in sequence and by breathing. It is a lot like Vinyasa yoga but the difference is that they make use of different poses. This is an extremely demanding type of yoga but you will love what it does for the mind and body. When you take beginner ashtanga practice you will be taught the basic poses first and you will perfect that by way of repetition.

Anusara- this is a relatively new type of yoga and was developed by an American yogi. This type of yoga seeks to open the heart by way of physical exercise. Most beginners will find this gentle and quite fulfilling at that.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Abdominal Breathing for a Healthier You

There are so many ways to relieve stress and maintain over-all health. But the most effective and oldest way is mind control and proper abdominal breathing exercises. It started in ancient India and this has been incorporated in yoga, martial arts and other holistic practices. Abdominal breathing is highly recommended by healthy practitioners. It is easy and inexpensive way of relieving stress.

Breathing is a rhythmic process of expansion and contraction. Many cultures think that breathing is the essence of being. In yoga, breathe is prana or the universal energy that can be used to find a balance between the body-mind, the conscious-unconscious, and the sympathetic-parasympathetic nervous system. The breathe is easily used to communicate between these systems which helps facilitate positive change/ Breathing is the only bodily function that we do both voluntarily and involuntarily.

When we are emotionally stressed, our sympathetic nervous system is affected and results in a number of physical responses. Our heart rate is fast, we perspire, and our muscles go tense. And our breathing becomes tense and shallow. If this continues for a long time, our sympatric nervous system is stimulated and may lead to an imbalance. Our physical health is affected and may lead to high blood pressure, muscle pains, to name a few. It is more difficult to consciously slowdown our heart rate, decrease our perspiration or relax our muscles than to take a slow and deep breathe. Breathing can be used to directly influence all of this stressful change in our body. Proper breathing can be done to reverse the changes in our body.

Breathing can be trained for both positive and negative influences on our health. That is why it important to have the proper and correct breathing to relieve our body of all the bad elements which leads to an imbalanced body. Using and learning proper breathing techniques is one of the most beneficial things that can be done for both short and long term physical and emotional health. It is best to use abdomen breathing rather than chest breathing.

Abdominal breathing should be done twice a day to relieve pain or to turn your mind away from any unstressful things or thoughts. According to Integrative Medicine by D. Rakel, here is how to do the proper abdominal breathing:

•    Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. When you take a deep breath in, the hand on the abdomen should rise higher than the one on the chest. This insures that the diaphragm is pulling air into the bases of the lungs.

•    After exhaling through the mouth, take a slow deep breath in through your nose imagining that you are sucking in all the air in the room and hold it for a count of 7 (or as long as you are able, not exceeding 7)

•    Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. As all the air is released with relaxation, gently contract your abdominal muscles to completely evacuate the remaining air from the lungs. It is important to remember that we deepen respirations not by inhaling more air but through completely exhaling it.

•    Repeat the cycle four more times for a total of 5 deep breaths and try to breathe at a rate of one breath every 10 seconds (or 6 breaths per minute). At this rate our heart rate variability increases which has a positive effect on cardiac health.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Burning Calories by Raking Leaves

The calories that we burn during an exercise vary depending on body mass and the frequency of the said activity, the intensity and the duration of the exercise. If you want to lose weight, remember that 3,500 calories is approximately equivalent to 1 lb. of fat. Therefore, you should burn 3,500 calories more than you take in, regardless of what type of exercise or the intensity of that exercise.

Calories are burned when raking leaves in your yard. A study showed that a 125 lb. person raking a yard for 30 minutes will burn 120 calories. A 155 lb. person doing the same will burn 149 calories. Here is a data of how much calories are burned when raking leaves for an hour, according to a study done by the Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise journal:

•    130 lbs : 254 calories burned
•    155 lbs : 303 calories burned
•    180 lbs : 351 calories burned
•    205 lbs : 400 calories burned

But I guess this will really depend on how big your yard is and how often you rake it. Raking is one form of exercise which is really to your benefit. It is like hitting two birds with one stone! Why? You lose all your unwanted calories and in the process clean your yard! But the downside of this exercise is that when the leaves stop falling then you also stop raking.

Calories are burned when raking leaves and these calories accrue in time if you do it every day. You use your arms when raking the leaves and you do footwork by moving around the yard. Just remember to wear enough protection from the heat and rays of the sun. Don't worry if your yard is small because all the calories that you burn from raking everyday will add up to the desired calories you need to lose. And there is always the backyard to rake too. And if you still feel that you haven't burned off the calories you think you need to lose, why not rake your neighbor's yard too. You burn off all the unwanted calories and you earn extra money!

Now, isn't that a cool way to lose all the unwanted calories in your body? Raking leaves for just 10 minutes counts toward the 150 minutes of moderate aerobic or cardiovascular exertion recommended per week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for adults 18 to 64 years old. So, even our grandparents can do this on a regular basis. At least this is an easy way of exercising for a 64 year old person.

Raking leaves can also be your way of bonding with the family, so this task can be done with the whole family. Raking your yard need not be considered a tedious work, or one of the household chores. You can think of it as an exercise so that you can look forward to doing it every day because you know that however you take it, it is beneficial to you.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The 411 on Abdominal Breathing Exercises

A lot of people do not really think much of how they breathe since it is a non-issue for them. They take in air by the mouth or nose then breathe out and it is as simple as that. However, it is a bit more complicated than that in the sense that there is a better way to breathe that brings a ton of benefits to the body and the mind. It is called the abdominal breathing exercise technique and learning how to do it will really change the way you look at, and go about, breathing.

What is abdominal breathing?

It might sound somewhat daunting and something that can be more than a little bit intimidating but it is actually very easy for most people. You see, abdominal breathing is breathing in such a way that that you contract the diaphragm, a muscle that is located horizontally between the stomach cavity and the chest cavity. When you breathe this way, the belly expands as air enters from the lungs.

Try to take a look at the way you are breathing now and it is most likely your chest that is expanding and not your belly. There is nothing wrong with that but you might want to try abdominal breathing since many consider it a healthier way of breathing and is even used in complementary and alternative treatments.

Try it out

There are many different techniques you can try to learn how to breathe this way and one way to do it is to sit back or lay down in an environment where you can relax. Place one hand on your belly just above the belt line and another hand on your chest. This way, you can feel which body parts and muscles move when you breathe. Breathe in through the nose and feel your chest and abdomen. You do not want to feel movement in your chest and you want to feel your belly expand as you do this. It will prove to be somewhat challenging at first but the more you do it the easier it will become and pretty soon you will be breathing like that even without conscious effort.

What are the benefits?

It is easy to think this is some sort of gimmick designed to make you work harder; but, fact of the matter is that abdominal breathing has some very real benefits for the body. For one, this type of breathing gives your insides a kind of gentle massage which proves to be very relaxing. In fact, it is so relaxing that this type of breathing is usually taught to people who suffer from anxiety attacks or those that work in highly stressful environments.

People who take up yoga or tai chi will find that this type of breathing is often taught and encouraged in their classes since it brings about the best benefits for the body. Try out some abdominal breathing exercise guides and see how they work out for you.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Dahn Yoga

Dahn yoga is a Korean form of physical exercise developed by Ilchi Lee in 1985. The practice was originally established under the name, Dahnhak wherein “dahn” means vital energy, while “hak” means study of a particular philosophy. 

The Dahn yoga exercise is focused on the development of a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  It is composed of three unique characteristics, including the following:

1.    Enhancing the brain
2.    The mastery of the use of energy
3.    Self-managed holistic health care

Dahn yoga’s practices are based on the traditional concept of chi, which is often associated with terminologies such as life-force, energy, breathing, medicine, and martial arts.  A Dahn yoga exercise regularly starts with a method of exercise known as Meridian Stretching, which is believed to regulate the energy in the body, followed by a series of poses that look almost like regular yoga.

Dahn yoga, however, is not to be confused with regular yoga postures.  Unlike most other types of common yoga, Dahn yoga is focused on awakening the brain.  The postures performed in the classes are geared towards the development of the brain’s creative potential.  Their maxim is that, when a person becomes one with the natural flow of energy, wisdom will be unleashed, thereby gaining a higher understanding of reality.

Dahn yoga’s mind-body training programs are also founded on Korean healing philosophies and South East Asian energy boosting principles. Dahn yoga ascertains that their healing exercises can contribute positive effect to the person’s well-being as well as inject a positive effect in the practitioner’s community.

Practitioners assert that as they practice Dahn yoga, they begin to understand how the energy in their body works. Because of this, they supposedly begin to become mindful of their surroundings and start applying the energy principles of the yoga into their everyday life.  Continuous practice of the exercises means that injecting the principles daily then becomes second nature to them.

Dahn yoga’s benefits quickly spread like wild fire in the different regions of South Korea.  From its first center in downtown Seoul, South Korea; Dahn yoga, is now being practiced in fifty locations in South Korea.  The practice’s benefits also became known in the United States.

By 1991, Dahn yoga, entered the shores of Lady Liberty, and established its first US based Dahn yoga center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Six years after, the Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center was founded in Sedona, Arizona.  Here, members got to enjoy specialized wellness programs for a fee.

Presently, Dahn yoga has its roots embedded in over sixteen locations in the United States, with branches in Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Maryland, New Mexico, Georgia, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, and Texas.

With people catching on to Dahn yoga’s benefits, a foundation was established in 2006.  Simply named Dahn Yoga Foundation, the foundation helped increase attention to the practice through classes done at community centers, churches, public parks, offices, schools, hospitals, and centers for the aged.  The classes would sometimes be offered free of charge or at discounted rates.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Understanding Shoulder Flexibility Test and Some Pointers on Enhancing Shoulder Flexibility

Have you ever seen people who can do various movements by using their shoulders? This only means one thing, and that is their shoulders are flexible enough. Does this statement ring the bell? If you want to know how flexible your shoulders are, then you should consider undergoing the shoulder flexibility test.

This particular test is done in order to measure the mobility and flexibility of the joints of the shoulders. It is crucial for the shoulders to have pertinent range of motion, in order to avoid injuries, and to ensure the efficiency of athletic performance. If you love doing sports that requires great amount of shoulder mobility, such as tennis, swimming, racquetball, lacrosse, or sports that require catching and throwing, then there’s a need for you to under this flexibility test.

Due to the tightness that the upper back experiences, shoulders, as well as the neck typically suffer from stiffness and pain. The flexibility test for the shoulders may be used to ascertain an individual’s risk to suffer from injury and pain. For several years, physiologists, as well as physical therapists utilize shoulder flexibility test to determine the baseline flexibility, especially before a rehab or exercise scheme starts.

This test is repetitively done after numerous weeks, in order to ascertain the progress of the person. When it comes to athletes, tennis players and swimmers undergo this test, for the purpose of enhancing their flexibility, to do well during play.

How Shoulder Flexibility Test is being done:
  • In order to test the flexibility of the left shoulder, simply stand up and then raise the right arm, straightly over the head.
  • Bow your right elbow, and then let your right palm to rest at the back of your neck. After which, slide it down to the back, particularly between the shoulder blades.
  • Reach it behind using your left hand. The back of your hand should rest on the center of your back.
  • Slide the right hand down; left hand up, in order to touch each and every finger.
  • The minimum distance between the right and left hands’ fingertips must be measured. If there are any overlaps, make sure to document it.
  • Do the test to the opposite shoulder.  
  • Test results of Shoulder Flexibility Test
  • Excellent- This means the fingers overlap
  • Good- This implies success in reaching the fingers
  • Average- This means the fingers are 2 inches short apart
  • Poor- The fingers are beyond 2 inches apart
Ways to Enhance the Flexibility of the Shoulders

There are myriad of shoulder stretching exercises that can be done, in order to enhance the shoulder flexibility. Even the simplest ones can make a huge difference. Below are some exercises that could stretch every muscle in the shoulder:

Deltoid Stretches

•    Doorway Front Deltoid Stretch
•    Reach Across the Chest
     Trapezius Muscle Stretches
•    Ear-to-Shoulder Stretch
•    Forward Reach
     Range of Motion Exercises and Flexibility Exercises
•    Shoulder Shrug and Release
•    Shoulder Circles
•    Pendulum Exercise

Search how these exercises are done and start enhancing the flexibility of your shoulders. Consider also taking the shoulder flexibility test.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Dahn Yoga Closed Reviews: No Wonder Why Dahn Yoga is One of the Most Sought-After Practices

There are a lot of Dahn Yoga closed reviews and suffice to say that it is because of its detractors. There are people who say that Dahn Yoga is a form of a cult, and should not be followed. However, the fact remains that Dahn Yoga helped and is continuing to help several people. If you scout the World Wide Web, you’ll see that several people believe in the cleansing and meditational power of Dahn Yoga.

There are tons of Dahn Yoga enthusiasts, as well as experts who claim that Dahn Yoga is different from other kinds of yoga practices. As mentioned in the official website of Dahn Yoga, this practice is more on leveraging the energy of a person. According to Dahn Yoga gurus, a person could change his or her life if he or she is able to improve his or her energy. Dahn Yoga followers consider energy as the source of everything.

Those who do Dahn Yoga earn better understanding of the body and mind. The different energy building and awareness exercises are their keys in order to achieve this goal. If you want to have true mastership over your body, as well as mind, Dahn Yoga is perfect for you. Through its variety of practices, you’ll learn how to manage your energy appropriately.

The fact that Dahn Yoga came from the nation of Korea makes it different from other yoga practices. As highly cognizable, the nation of Korea is enriched with mind-body and holistic healing practices. Dahn Yoga uses the Korean Taoist philosophy, also, the holistic principles of the tradition of Korean Oriental Medicine.

For Dahn Yoga participants, a healthy individual features a healthy body, mind, as well as spirit. So what is important in this health concept? It is qi or the life energy. Dahn Yoga is also about awakening of the brain. Dahn Yoga gives importance to the brain, thus, the practices involved mean to enhance the functions and the power of the brain.

Through Dahn Yoga, people could improve their focus, as well as develop the brain’s so-called creative potential.  This can be attained by enhancing the key element- the energy. By enhancing the power to feel your energy, you’ll be able to have a quiet mind, you could improve your focus, you could rejuvenate the sleeping part of your brain, and most of all, and you could be part of the energy’s natural flow. Thus, it’ll be easier for you to unleash better insights, as well as exercise natural wisdom.

Once you succeeded on how your energy works, and once you feel the energy’s transformative power, you will become more naturally mindful. Also, you will be encouraged to practice the energy principles every day. Dahn Yoga closed reviews can’t kill the greatness, helpfulness of this one of a kind meditation practice.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Ilchi Lee Books – Books for Peace and Brain Education

Ilchi Lee, born on the 23rd of December 1950 in South Korea, is the founder of various well-known mind-body training methods such as Dahn yoga, Brain Education, Brain Respiration, DahnMuDo, and Dahnhak. He is also a well-respected author, having published numerous books in the areas of peace and brain education. Many of these Ilchi Lee books have been published in the English language.


What Ilchi Lee’s Books Are All About

These literary pieces written by Ilchi Lee are about meditation, spiritual growth, inner self awakening, holistic healing, brain fitness, chakra, and perspective. These books helped a lot of its readers become enlightened, become better yogis, and become better individuals. They are easy to understand and simple to follow, which is why they have become so popular around the world.

Most Recently Published Book - The Call of Sedona

For example, ‘The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart’, which is the newest book from Ilchi Lee, tells about how you can start a journey of inner self awakening and spiritual growth. In this book, he tells his tales about the many different wonders of Sedona in Arizona, a place that he considered to be steeped in earthly wisdom. He will further instruct you to release the things of your past, while you find a vision of your future.

Other Books Written by the South Korean Author

Ilchi Lee has published many other books, 17 of which are available in the English language. In addition to the most recent one, The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart, here are the other literary pieces published in
English from this renowned writer.
•    Brain Wave Vibration: Getting Back into the Rhythm of a Happy, Healthy Life (2008)
•    In Full Bloom: A Brain Education Guide for Successful Aging (2008)
•    Principles of Brain Management: A Practical Approach to Making the Most of Your Brain (2007)
•    Power Brain Kids (2007)
•    Human Technology: A Toolkit for Authentic Living (2005)
•    Dahnak Kigong (2004)
•    Home Massage Therapy (2004, available in 2 volumes)
•    Meridian Exercise for Self Healing: Classified by Common Symptoms(2004, available in 2 volumes)
•    Peaceology for Healing Society (2003)
•    Brain Respiration: Making Your Brain Creative, Peaceful, and Productive (2003)
•    Healing Chakra: Light to Awaken My Soul (2002)
•    The Twelve Enlightenments for Healing Society (2002)
•    Unchain Your Soul through Mago’s Dream: Communing with the Earth’s Soul (2002)
•    Healing Society (2000)
•    The Way To Light Up Your Divinity (1999)
•    Dahn Meditation (1997)

If you are looking for books that will help you become a better person overall, make sure that you consider investing not just on one, but all of these Ilchi Lee books. You can rest assure that these books will provide you with great value, insights, and advice.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Power Of Dahn Yoga

There are a lot of physical exercises which are recommended by various health practitioners. Dahn Yoga is one of those exercises that are suitable for health conscious people, and for those who want to achieve a physically fit body. Dahn Yoga Meditation Video is considered as one of the best materials for beginners.

 First and foremost, one must know its meaning and how this exercise should be done. Dahn Yoga is a physical exercise system that is well-known in Korea. Its greatness started in 1985 by Ilchi Lee, who is a South Korean author and also a teacher of some mind-body training methods, like Brain Respiration, Brain Education and DahnMudo.

In Korea, dahn means “primal, vital energy,” and hak means “study of a particular theory and philosophy.” Dahn teachings are mostly focused on physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Dahn Yoga is said to be similar to the routines of yoga, tai chi and martial arts exercises. This exercise can also be done even without a formal studio.

For over the years, hundreds and thousands of people are taking advantage of the high technology that we have now. And by that, video clips and books were made to make it certain tasks easier and handy. And with these materials, you do not need to go to gyms or studios, to practice Dahn Yoga.

Most people have testified that having Dahn Yoga videos helped them to reduce risks of some illnesses. According to Cathie Downie, this particular practice helps her in easing pain, fatigue, especially stress. Dahn Yoga has been one of the best solutions to gain mental focus, and to drive away stress, which is the most common burden of people, especially after a whole day at work.

Dahn Yoga is composed of stretching, breathing exercises, relaxation, as well as energy boosting and brain exercises. This exercise does not only focus in having a healthy lifestyle, but also, it is a stress reliever. Practicing Dahn Yoga can help in relaxing the muscles and clear the mind after a busy day, and eventually be recharged for the upcoming tiring days.

Dahn Yoga videos demonstrate a lot of basic exercises, like how to achieve proper sitting, standing and the proper way to position one’s self on the floor. Those who often suffer from ill health or those people who are often under stress are likely to have a better feeling, and gain energy through simple breathing exercises. It also emphasizes the importance of having a quiet mind. Medication is said to be a powerful exercise, to have a peace of mind.

Dahn Yoga Medication Video may not be applicable to some people, thus, it’s better to consult a specialist first before engaging to some activities. And always remember to take care of yourself by eating the right kinds of foods.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Learn Tai Chi at Home: The Beginners’ Lessons

For those who are planning to learn tai chi, there is a lesson for starters. You can learn tai chi at home if you are interested. The beginners’ lessons are actually the easiest and the fastest way to learn tai chi. The strategies or the techniques are very effective and yet you won’t feel that you are taught the hard way.

 For those who want to learn tai chi at home, the tutorials are unlimited either online or offline, since there are materials that are printable. If you are serious and dedicated enough, you will learn the tai chi basics in a matter of months.

Many are too eager to learn tai chi. As a matter of fact, they are really paying for their tai chi sessions just to learn how to do it. Why is that so? This is because tai chi can help improve the overall quality of one’s life. This is true for those people who are suffering from medical conditions, like arthritis that hinders them to move. By simply doing the tai chi, people can overcome such problems and can go back to their old routines.

Basically, tai chi has four major styles that are duly recognized. Such program is adaptable and straightforward, which can then improve the life of person doing tai chi. It could also aid a person in order to accomplish self management. The style than can help improve mobility, which includes the following:

1.    Relaxation
2.    Breathing

What is good about practicing tai chi is the fact that it doesn’t require squatting or bending. This makes tai chi more comfortable to practice, especially for those who do not have the endurance to do strenuous exercise.

As an overview, such exercise requires you to have a standing and seated versions of movements. Unlike other types of exercises, this one requires little equipment: space where to do the exercise and cloth that is comfortable enough.

The program has 10 movements, the 5 movements for basic exercise and the other 5 for an advanced exercise. Furthermore, you will be having warm up exercises, plus the cool down exercises, meditation, breathing exercises, and self massage.

Now, if you master all of those basic types you will then required to do the long standing or holding your posture, then the weight shifting. There is also limb positioning that includes the movements with different sequences, like reversing your movements in a different direction.

If you are too busy or still hesitant to join others, but have this eagerness to know, then you can learn tai chi online free. There are self help materials that you can read online, and from there you can start studying Tai chi, and if you think you are ready to join the group, you already have this idea of what is tai chi as a whole. Thus, it won’t be difficult for you to catch up. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Meditation Techniques for Beginners: Techniques for Yoga Starters!

Maintaining the optimum level of health and looking young at the same time are among the goals of majority of people. In today’s world, where people are all busy with life’s challenges, somehow, the chance to eat healthy and the time to work out are so elusive.

Among the negative habits of many people today is eating easy-to-prepare or “instant foods”, which have low nutritional value. Many tend to forget to engage in exercise routines, which could trim fats and slow down the widening of hips and thighs. Nonetheless, maintaining healthiness is not just about having the right diet and executing to exercises routines.

If you are healthy, you have peaceful thoughts that could enhance your personality as a human being. There a lot of ways to restore a healthy and peaceful thinking. Yoga is the most common method of clearing the mind and rejuvenating the body. But getting yourself into this is not easy. You need to have a lot of discipline and focus as well.

 Beginning the routine may not be easy for beginners. Thankfully, yoga instructors are available, ever ready to guide the yoga enthusiasts all throughout the process. Meditation techniques for beginners are taught first. You can’t just dive into the pool without getting wet first. It is very important that you begin easy, and work hard eventually.

Meditation leads you to training. Thus, it is also correct that fitness is an excellent way to train the body. But meditating is never easy. It is hard to stay for hours, getting your mind into an empty status. That’s harsh! Especially when you are dealing with a lot of life issues, it’s never easy to think nothing at all. However, there are techniques that could make the lives of beginners easier.

Here are some techniques for beginners:

•    Understand the reason why you’re doing that. Not all people have the same reason for meditating. But you have to do it, especially if you want to make a hectic day smooth and breezy. It is also a way to connect with yourself.

•    Choose an easy meditation program that could introduce you good meditation behaviour. Most people begin with easy steps, especially when it comes to attaining focus. At first, avoid doing difficult and hard poses. Don’t even think of how you will look like when you are meditating, so that you won’t be distracted.

•    Make sure that you are always alert. Thinking that you are always on the go will help a lot in easing all your worries. Thus, avoid drinking liquors or even smoking before or during the meditation program.

•    Find for a peaceful space where you can have your focus, and also turn away the things that can distract you, like cell phones and other gadgets.

Before doing a variety of yoga activities, utmost concentration must be done first. Doing such things without focus or concentration won’t make the meditation effective. To note, there are also meditation techniques for concentration. Concentration is a better way to free your mind from issues boggling you the whole day.