Monday, December 16, 2013

Types of Yoga for Beginners

If you are looking for a way to get fit and toned yet you do not want anything that will cause you undue stress, why not try yoga? It is a form of exercise that has been around for thousands of years and will really change the way you look at your body and the way you think about yourself. yoga is a form of exercise that will also work your mind and soul along with your body so you get a holistic form of exercise that will bring you benefits no other exercise can bring.

A lot of you may balk at the thought of being told to try yoga since you think that you are just too big or too ungainly to try those crazy yoga poses but that is where you are wrong. Yoga is not about doing crazy poses and twisting yourself into a pretzel. It is about testing your body and slowly pushing it to do more and be more. It is testing your will and using your mind to help your body achieve new heights. It is amazing what yoga can do and if you think you would like to try this holistic and low-impact exercise below are some types of yoga for beginners. Some types of yoga will stretch your muscles for greater flexibility while others will strengthen your body and others focus on the core. There are even some that will make you sweat for a complete detox experience like no other.

You can try them on your own or you can always go to your nearest studio and ask the yogi in charge what is best for someone that has never tried yoga before. You will love what he or she has to say so go on and give it a try.

Bikram yoga- this is also called hot yoga and what happens here is you do yoga in a hot room where you will be tasked to go through a set of poses and a specified number of breaths. You will be doing yoga in a hot room so expect to sweat profusely in the heat. However, the heat will also make your muscles suppler so this could be good for beginners. Ask your yogi about beginner Bikram yoga classes.

this is one of the more popular types of yoga where every pose is done in sequence and by breathing. It is a lot like Vinyasa yoga but the difference is that they make use of different poses. This is an extremely demanding type of yoga but you will love what it does for the mind and body. When you take beginner ashtanga practice you will be taught the basic poses first and you will perfect that by way of repetition.

Anusara- this is a relatively new type of yoga and was developed by an American yogi. This type of yoga seeks to open the heart by way of physical exercise. Most beginners will find this gentle and quite fulfilling at that.

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