Monday, October 28, 2013

Ilchi Lee Books – Books for Peace and Brain Education

Ilchi Lee, born on the 23rd of December 1950 in South Korea, is the founder of various well-known mind-body training methods such as Dahn yoga, Brain Education, Brain Respiration, DahnMuDo, and Dahnhak. He is also a well-respected author, having published numerous books in the areas of peace and brain education. Many of these Ilchi Lee books have been published in the English language.


What Ilchi Lee’s Books Are All About

These literary pieces written by Ilchi Lee are about meditation, spiritual growth, inner self awakening, holistic healing, brain fitness, chakra, and perspective. These books helped a lot of its readers become enlightened, become better yogis, and become better individuals. They are easy to understand and simple to follow, which is why they have become so popular around the world.

Most Recently Published Book - The Call of Sedona

For example, ‘The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart’, which is the newest book from Ilchi Lee, tells about how you can start a journey of inner self awakening and spiritual growth. In this book, he tells his tales about the many different wonders of Sedona in Arizona, a place that he considered to be steeped in earthly wisdom. He will further instruct you to release the things of your past, while you find a vision of your future.

Other Books Written by the South Korean Author

Ilchi Lee has published many other books, 17 of which are available in the English language. In addition to the most recent one, The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart, here are the other literary pieces published in
English from this renowned writer.
•    Brain Wave Vibration: Getting Back into the Rhythm of a Happy, Healthy Life (2008)
•    In Full Bloom: A Brain Education Guide for Successful Aging (2008)
•    Principles of Brain Management: A Practical Approach to Making the Most of Your Brain (2007)
•    Power Brain Kids (2007)
•    Human Technology: A Toolkit for Authentic Living (2005)
•    Dahnak Kigong (2004)
•    Home Massage Therapy (2004, available in 2 volumes)
•    Meridian Exercise for Self Healing: Classified by Common Symptoms(2004, available in 2 volumes)
•    Peaceology for Healing Society (2003)
•    Brain Respiration: Making Your Brain Creative, Peaceful, and Productive (2003)
•    Healing Chakra: Light to Awaken My Soul (2002)
•    The Twelve Enlightenments for Healing Society (2002)
•    Unchain Your Soul through Mago’s Dream: Communing with the Earth’s Soul (2002)
•    Healing Society (2000)
•    The Way To Light Up Your Divinity (1999)
•    Dahn Meditation (1997)

If you are looking for books that will help you become a better person overall, make sure that you consider investing not just on one, but all of these Ilchi Lee books. You can rest assure that these books will provide you with great value, insights, and advice.

1 comment:

  1. There are a lot of people who are moved by the Ilchi Lee Prayer of Peace. After all, its message is clear and very comprehensible- encouraging to employ peace. Indeed, Ilchi Lee is among those people, who are exerting efforts for the betterment of the common good. Ilchi Lee is using his popularity and power to encourage the promotion of peace and harmony among mankind.
